Parents Code of Conduct

At Tiger Diving we strive to conduct all communications between the club and our members in a manner of the highest respect.  The Parents Code of Conduct below has been created to ensure that all relations between coaches, parents and athletes remain at this high level of mutual respect and to ensure that all parents know what is expected of them as members of the program. 

  • Never coach your athlete!  Our coaches do not go to your work and try to tell you how to do your jobs.  As professional coaches, we appreciate and expect the same level of profession respect.
  • Give your athlete positive support as a person.  Leave the diving to the diving coaches.
  • Do not communicate with your children during practice.  Doing this creates split attention on the part of the athlete and the coaches.  At worst, it can create a dangerous situation for an entire practice, at best it results in confusion and frustration on the part of the athlete and the coach.
  • Do not approach a coach during practice.  If you have a question and would like to address a coach in person, wait until the conclusion of all practices for the session.
  • Do not call coaches on their cell phones.  If a coach gives you his/her cell phone for a meet or for a specific purpose, the use of that number must be limited to that one time issue/meet.  Coaches will not return messages left on their cell phones. 
  • If you have a question or concern, we invite you to write us a respectfully worded e-mail articulating your concerns.  If you have further issues, we will always be happy to set up a face to face meeting to decisively address these issues.
  • Gossiping or spreading any kind of negative information about the program, coaches, athletes, etc. is unacceptable behavior.  If you come to find information that you feel needs to be addressed, bring it to the coaches before communicating with other members of the team. From years of experience we have discovered that the vast majority of rumors are either distorted or simply untrue.  In order to prevent the unnecessary dissemination of inaccurate information, bring any and all issues directly to the Tiger Diving coaching staff before communicating with other members of the team.
  • Aggressive behavior or language, either through the form of e-mails, phone calls, voice mails, carrier pigeon, text message, instant message, or any other form towards any member of the Tiger Diving coaching staff will be grounds for immediate termination from the program.